Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Thing 2: Lifelong Learning

Probably the most difficult habit for me is teaching/mentoring others-- not because I don't love to impart knowledge unto others, but I'm just not sure it's one of my strong points. I am envious of my colleagues who put together wonderful programs and teach classes at the library. I find I learn things easily, but effectively passing that knowledge along is not as easy for me.

Perhaps the easiest habit for me is seeing problems as challenges. I guess this is because of my thirst for learning. I feel almost any problem can be turned into a learning experience. And if there is a problem I have to overcome it-- simple as that. If I don't deal with a problem effectively or just ignore it, it ends up haunting me much longer than if I had just dealt with it in the first place. Of course I'm not perfect and as I write this I'm thinking of a list of problems needing attention. In learning repetition is very important. In fact if I didn't repeat things a thousand times I wouldn't be able to do them effectively. My wife will tell you I become obsessed with things (games, instruments, gardening, and so on) and I view these "obsessions" as problems I need to overcome. My latest obsession: disc golf-- I simply must learn how to play better and I will do that through watching, reading, and most importantly, doing (over and over again).

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