Saturday, July 7, 2007


So I signed up for Rollyo and made my very own search engine. Can you guess the topic for which I decided to create a custom search? Yes, that's right: Old-Time music-- I wanted to see how well this thing worked, and it's actually pretty good. I added 22 sites to search and I'm sure I think of more to add in the future. My biggest complaints are that there are too many ads in the middle of Rollyo (but I guess they do have to pay their bills) and there are only 10 or so results per page. Maybe there is a way to tweek the settings to display more results per page but I haven't found it yet. Also, I might suggest that they put a preview box for each result: like you move your mouse over the link and it brings up a thumbnail preview of the page you are about to view.

Okay, so maybe it's not terribly practical for librarians, but here is my custom old-time music search:

Powered by Rollyo

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